Correctly Label The Following Major Systemic Veins

Correctly label the following major systemic veins – Correctly labeling the major systemic veins is a crucial aspect of understanding the human circulatory system. This comprehensive guide provides a detailed overview of the location, function, and drainage patterns of these essential vessels.

The systemic veins carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart from the body’s tissues and organs. They play a vital role in maintaining blood pressure and volume, as well as regulating body temperature and fluid balance.

Major Systemic Veins: Correctly Label The Following Major Systemic Veins

Correctly label the following major systemic veins

Systemic veins are blood vessels that carry deoxygenated blood from the body’s tissues back to the heart. The major systemic veins include:

  1. Superior vena cava
  2. Inferior vena cava
  3. Portal vein
  4. Hepatic veins
  5. Renal veins
  6. Gonadal veins
  7. Iliac veins
  8. Femoral veins
  9. Popliteal veins
  10. Jugular veins

Venous Drainage of the Head and Neck

The venous drainage of the head and neck is accomplished by a network of veins that collect blood from the brain, face, and neck.

Vein Drainage Area
Internal jugular vein Brain, face, neck
External jugular vein Face, neck
Anterior jugular vein Neck
Posterior auricular vein Scalp, ear
Facial vein Face

Venous Drainage of the Thorax

The venous drainage of the thorax is accomplished by the azygos and hemiazygos veins, which collect blood from the thoracic wall, mediastinum, and lungs.

Diagram of the venous drainage of the thorax

Venous Drainage of the Abdomen and Pelvis

The venous drainage of the abdomen and pelvis is accomplished by the portal and systemic venous systems.

The portal venous system collects blood from the digestive organs and spleen and carries it to the liver. The systemic venous system collects blood from the rest of the body and carries it to the heart.

Venous Drainage of the Extremities, Correctly label the following major systemic veins

The venous drainage of the extremities is accomplished by a network of veins that collect blood from the arms and legs.

Upper Extremities

  • Brachial vein
  • Cephalic vein
  • Basilic vein
  • Median cubital vein

Lower Extremities

  • Femoral vein
  • Popliteal vein
  • Great saphenous vein
  • Small saphenous vein

Helpful Answers

What are the major systemic veins?

The major systemic veins include the superior and inferior vena cava, which carry blood from the upper and lower body, respectively, to the heart.

Where is the superior vena cava located?

The superior vena cava is located in the upper chest, receiving blood from the head, neck, and upper limbs.

What is the function of the portal vein?

The portal vein carries blood from the digestive organs to the liver for processing before returning to the systemic circulation.